Friday, December 13, 2013

Maturing While Attending a Seeker Friendly Church

As a figured it would, my last article about Seeker Friendly Churches being biblical sparked some responses. They weren't mean responses (I greatly thank you guys for that!) They were actually some very good points. Here is basically a run down of what was said:

It is great that Seeker Sensitive messages are available for beginner Christians, however, "maturer" Christians should have access to "meatier" messages in order for them to grow.

Ok, so here's a problem with that statement. What is "meat"? Do you want to know the Greek and Hebrew translation of every single verse in the Bible? 

At my church, our speakers don't water anything down. We teach relevant messages to help grow people spiritually. Yet just because we preach topical, instead of studying the Bible in order from Genesis to Revelation, there are always a couple of people that visit that claim it to be "watered down." 

I'm not saying it's bad to do in depth studies of every book in the Bible in Greek and Hebrew. But, thats not a scriptural requirement for the church. It's not learning verses in Greek and Hebrew, what  some call "meat, that's going to help you become a solid believer. 

There is one thing other than the message that is going to mature you as a Christian- Application.

If a person is not applying what they learn, of course they are not going to mature. Even if they had the "meaty" messages, they still would not mature.

Application is huge!

I've personally known Christians from both types of churches- Fundamentalist and Seeker-Friendly.

To be honest, I've known some Christians that attend seeker friendly churches that are more mature in their faith than some that attend Fundamentalist.


It had absolutely nothing to do with the style message that was preached. It was all because the person that attended the Seeker Friendly church was applying what he knew. 

Actually, I prefer topical. I think I learn more from that style. But, I realize different people learn different ways.

We need both types of churches. 

I think some people misconstrued the message I was trying to give in my last article.

I am not against fundamentalist churches.

I am against believers claiming that seeker friendly messages prevent older Christians from maturing.

That is a false statement.

God Bless,
Jonathan D. Graham

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